Sermon Notes

Characters with Character- Summer 2024

by PHIL PAYNE on June 23, 2024

Characters with Character

Speaker: Phil Payne



Life has a way of revealing us.   Character Matters.


Character, is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.”

While personality is evident early in life, character is something that is developed over your entire life.


“Talent, opportunity and perseverance will help you arrive; Character will decide if you stay”

                      ― Unknown




Zacchaeus -  Luke 19:1-10




Zacchaeus was Honest with   ______________________





Zacchaeus was Honest with   ______________________





Zacchaeus was Honest with   ______________________






Questions for Reflection and Discussion:

Do I exhibit Honesty in my daily life? 

With myself?  With God?  With others?
What can I do to develop a better attitude of Truthfulness?
What blocks me from exercising Honesty?
In what situation did you fail to be Honest in which you should have?
What issue is in your life that would improve with being more Honest?



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