Sermon Notes

Characters with Character- Week #2

by John Roberts on June 30, 2024

The Ethiopian Eunuch: Curiosity

Character Sketches from the New Testament


Series:  Characters with Character: Character Sketches from the New Testament

Date:  June 30, 2024

Speaker:  John Roberts

Text: Acts 8:26-40




Embracing Quaestio Divina – Divine Questioning


Matthew 18:1-5 




Curiosity can lead to honest seeking – and honest seeking leads to truth.  


Perhaps we have placed too much emphasis on James 1:5-8 


Matthew 7:7-11



Coming to truth gives the opportunity to step into new life.  


Acts 8:35 – 38 

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What are the questions, doubts, or fears with which you’re struggling at this stage of your journey?
  2. Can you be honest with God about them?  
  3. Can you trust God with your real self?  Can you trust others with your real self?  
  4. Can you be a “non-freaked out other” in the face of other’s questions? 



  1. Start a “questions journal” and begin the journey of Quaestio Divina… invite the Trinity on the journey with you. 

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