Sermon Notes

Characters with Character July 14th

July 14, 2024

Characters with Character”
Speaker Phil Payne



Barnabas was an Encourager.   So much so that it became his nickname. -  Acts 4:37



Encouragement is: the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.   To Develop others




Barnabas encouraged others with his _________________________________ Acts 4




Barnabas encouraged others with his _________________________________ Acts 11




Barnabas encouraged others with his _________________________________ Acts 16




Barnabas encouraged others with his _________________________________ Acts 16





“Encouragement is like water to the soul, it makes everything grow.” 

                                                ― Chris Burkmenn






When was the last time you received encouragement?   How did it impact your life?

When was the last time you gave encouragement?

Are you in the habit of being an encourager?

Who can you encourage today? 






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