Sermon Notes

Hearing God: You Have Permission

by John Roberts on June 12, 2022

Hearing God: You Have Permission


Date: June 12, 2022

Speaker:  John J Roberts







“God gave you all the permission you need, so don’t get

distracted looking for it from everyone else.”

-Bob Goff, Undistracted



You are a someone in whom God delights and dwells. 


            God was after sons and daughters


Genesis 1:26 – “Let us make man in our own image…”


                        John 1:12 – We are children of God…



God desires a transformative, interactive, relationship with his children.


            Adam and Eve in the garden


            Moses at the burning bush, on the mountain, and in the tent.


            Jesus models it with his disciples


            God desires it with you



God speaks to us in various ways


            The primary objective way that God speaks to us is through scripture



            The primary subjective way that God speaks to us in through the “still small voice.” 



            We test our hearing against scripture, and in community. 

Practice:  Lectio Divina – I Kings 19:2-18


Read:  Lectio – read the passage slowly, considering the invitation that reading scripture is encountering God himself or hearing his voice.







Reflect:  Meditatio – Read the passage again slowly.  As you do so and for a few minutes afterward, reflect on one of the following:

  • A word or phrase that stood out to you. Why do you think these words resonated with you? 
  • Who or what you found yourself to be in the passage. How does it feel to be this person or object? What draws you? What are you thinking or feeling about God?







Respond:  Oratio – After reading the passage one last time, talk to God about what you think the Spirit might have said to you or what came to you.  Pray in whatever way you are led… you might thank God for something or ask for something.  







Rest:  contemplation – Do as you are led.  You may wish to wait on God – to simply be with God.  What about God makes you want to worship him, or be with him?  Sit in the companionship of God – the one who invites you to come away and be with him. 




Next Steps: 

  • Decide if you WANT to hear from God
  • In the coming week pick a section of scripture and a set amount of time and use this practice.
  • Find someone to talk with about what you’re hearing.
  • Take steps if you’ve been given some.

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