Sermon Notes

Light-Life-Love Week #5

by PHIL PAYNE on May 26, 2024

Speaker: Phil Payne



Opposition to God -   “Did God Really Say…”.   Genesis 3: 1

Opposition to Jesus – “If You are the Son of God…” Mathew 4: 3


Christians = Christ Followers

AntiChrists = Against Christ


John is the master of contrasts.

  • Light and Darkness – I John 1
  • Love and Hate - I John 2
  • Family of God vs the world – I John 3
  • Truth and Error – Spirit of God vs Spirit of Antichrist – I John 4



I John 4: 1-6 – Test the Spirits.   Look for the “Spirit of the Antichrist”



Why is it important that Jesus came in the Flesh and not just as a Spirit?






Characteristics of the Antichrists today… (This is the Spirit that Opposes Christ)

  1. D________________ 2 John 1:7
  2. D________________ I John 2:22. John 10:10
  3. D________________ 2 Corinthians 11:14. 
  4. D________________ I Peter 5:8
  5. D________________  I John 4:4



There are “Big Ones” that oppose Christ in our world today….



For most of us…it is not the “Big Ones” that we should worry about…it is the “Subtle Ones” that do the most damage.






Application to Real Life:

How do you see the spirit that is against Christ at work in the world today?

How do you think that the power of Christ is brought into question?

What thoughts come across your mind that cause you to question the power of Christ in your own life?

 What needs to be in your life to remind you that the power of God that dwells in you is stronger than anything that is in the world?

Who or what do you need to stop listening to in order to be free from the spirits that are against the power of Christ in your life?


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