Sermon Notes

Wisdom Series Week #1

by PHIL PAYNE on May 14, 2023

Moses Lake Christian Church    

Sermon Notes - May 14, 2023
Pastor Phil Payne




What is the difference between Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom?


Information -  




Wisdom - 



Where does Wisdom come from?   How do we get it?  


       Wisdom comes from God.


       Proverbs 9:10.   The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…

       Proverbs 2:6 – The Lord gives wisdom.

       Proverbs 3:19-     By Wisdom the Lord laid the foundation of the earth  

       Proverbs 8:22-31    Wisdom existed with God in the beginning.

       James 1:5 –   If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously

                                to all without finding fault


       Wisdom is readily available.

       Wisdom must be pursued and acquired…does not just happen.


What is the impact of Wisdom in our lives?  


Wisdom will lead you to safety    Proverbs 1:3

Wisdom will protect you from evil.  Proverbs 2:11

Wisdom will bring peace, prosperity, long life   Proverbs 3:2

Wisdom brings understanding       Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom will give you grace and honor.  Proverbs 4:8-9

Wisdom brings creativity           Proverbs 8:12

Wisdom helps with leadership decisions    Proverbs 8:16


Wisdom always leads to deeper relationships.                             

             Wisdom…will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man - Proverbs 3:4

              James 3:13-18 -   Who is wise among you?   Show it with your life…







  1. Recognize the difference between Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom

                             Recognize that we desperately need Wisdom in our lives.

                             Recognize that Gaining wisdom is a Process.


  1. Ask God for Wisdom

             Make it a priority to pray this week for wisdom.

      Pay attention to what you are paying attention to

.                             Awake.   Alert.  Attuned to the moment.


  1. Commit to pursue wisdom.

Prov 4:7 -  the beginning of wisdom is this: Get Wisdom.  Though it cost you all you have, get understanding.


  1. Recognize that In the pursuit of Wisdom your HEART is really important.

                              Proverbs 2:10 – For wisdom will enter your heart

                                 Proverbs 14: 33 – Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning

                              Proverbs 4: 23 – Above all else GUARD your heart

                              WHO or WHAT are you giving your HEART to?  





Read Proverbs 1-8 this week.


Subscribe and listen to the    Being Known Podcast.  (Season 6 is all on Wisdom.)


Commit to be here for this 3 week series on Wisdom at MLCC.


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