Sermon Notes

"Words Create Worlds: Using Our Voice to Speak Blessing"

by John Roberts on June 04, 2023

“Words Create Worlds: Using Our Voice to Speak Blessing”


Speaker:  John J Roberts

Date:  June 4, 2023

Series: Topical 






“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account

for every careless word they speak”

-Jesus, Matthew 12:36-37


The wisdom of Proverbs about our words: Prov. 12:18; Prov. 15:26; Prov. 16:21; Prov. 16:24; Prov. 17:27-28; Prov. 18:8 repeated in 16:22; Prov. 18:21.



Our Words Create Worlds




Ideas are birthed into the world, most often, by words. 





Ephesians 2:8-10, We are God’s Poem to the world.




Our words can be powerful to destroy



James 4:1-12



Ephesians 4:29-32







We can choose to use our voice to bring blessing.


Matthew 12:33-37… The first step in shifting your speech is ABIDING in Jesus


Proverbs 4:23, “Guard your hearts with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life.” 

Practical steps to reflecting the heart of God in our speech to those places our lives have influence? 


  1. Stop before you talk!


  1. Ask yourself whether or not your words are aligned with the gospel!


  1. Ask whether your words are building up or tearing down.


  1. Learn to use your voice for blessing:


  • B –


  • L –


  • E –


  • S –


  • S –



Colossians 4:5-6


Incorporate this into your life this coming week:

  1. Evaluate whether or not you’re giving primary influence in your life to Christ and those things which are pure and lovely and good… are you abiding?
  2. Ask God to set a guard over your mouth… to give you the grace to not speak if what’s coming is going to be destructive and hurtful.
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you when your speech is out of alignment with the gospel that Jesus came preaching. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you when the words you’re speaking are tearing down rather than building up. 
  4. Write a specific blessing for someone in your life… and then pray it over them daily.


“And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth,

but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others;

do this by speaking words of grace to help them.”

-Ephesians 4:29 (TPT)


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